Gender & Sexuality Studies Program
Kresge 1-552
1880 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: (847) 491-5871
Email: gender@northwestern.edu
Nick Davis, Director
For general program inquiries and assistance, as well as information about events and programming. Email at gss-director@northwestern.edu.
Paola Zamperini, Associate Director
For students in her classes (including first-year advising appointments), as well as faculty looking to co-list their classes with GSS. Email at gss-associate-director@northwestern.edu.
S.B. West, Director of Undergraduate Studies
For undergraduate student advising, including declaring a GSS major/minor and petitioning to graduate. Email at gss-undergraduate@northwestern.edu.
Marquis Bey, Director of Graduate Studies
For graduate student advising and questions about the GSS certificate, cluster, and colloquium. Email at gss-graduate@northwestern.edu.
Liv Caldwell, Program Assistant (GSS)
For general inquiries related to Gender & Sexuality Studies and when you’re not sure who else to contact. Email at gender@northwestern.edu -OR- call (847) 491-5871.
RyAnne Galowich, Program Assistant (SPAN)
For all questions related to the Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN). Email at sexualities@northwestern.edu -OR- call (847) 467-4957.