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2017-18 Yearly Course Schedule

Fall 2017:

First Year Seminar: Our Bodies Ourselves: The Women's Health Movement Then & Now
Class Number: 101-6-20 | Professor: Amy Partridge

Sexual Subjects
Class Number: 220-0-20 | Professor: Paola Zamperini

Traditions of Feminist Thought
Class Number: 230-0-20 | Professor: Jennifer Nash

*Female Pleasure: Feminism & The Sexological Tradition, 1880-Present
Class Number: 321-0-20 | Professor: Amy Partridge
* can be taken as GSS 350

Gender, Sexuality, and Disability 
Class Number: 332-0-21 | Professor: Abram Lewis

Sexuality, Biomedicine, & HIV/AIDS
Class Number: 332-0-22 | Professor: Aaron Norton

Medical Humanities: Reproduction, Gender, and Medicine
Class Number: 332-0-23 | Professor: Sarah Roth

Feminist Theory & Media in South Asia
Class Number: 341-0-20 | Professor: Laura Brueck

*Deportation Law & Politics
Class Number: 351-0-20 | Professor: Jacqueline Stevens
* can be taken as GSS 350

Queer Robotics: Cyborgs in Science Fiction & Anthropology
Class Number: 363-0-20 | Professor:Mitali Thakor

Gender, Race, and the Holocaust
Class Number: 382-0-20 | Professor: Sarah Cushman

*Race, Gender, and the Politics of Beauty
Class Number: 382-0-21 | Professor: Tessie Liu
* can be taken as GSS 350

Jews and the Transgender Movement
Class Number: 390-0-20 | Professor: Barry Wimpfheimer

Research Methods in Gender and Sexuality Studies
Class Number: 396-0-20 | Professor: Hector Carrillo

Sociology of Sexuality
Class Number: 490-0-20 | Professor: Hector Carrillo

Theorizing Black Genders & Sexualities
Class Number: 490-0-21 | Professor: Jennifer Nash

Migrant Sexualities & Queer Travelers
Class Number: 490-0-22 | Professor: Emrah Yildiz

Catholicism in the Making and Unmaking of Modern Sexuality
Class Number: 490-0-23 | Professor: Robert Orsi

Winter 2018:

Language and Gender
Class Number: 234-0-20 | Professor: Gregory Ward

Public Health & Its Discontents
Class Number: 250-0-20 | Professor: Amy Partridge

Asian American Women's History
Class Number: 321-0-20 | Professor: Ji-Yeon Yuh

Medieval Sexuality
Class Number: 321-0-21 | Professor: Dyan Elliott

Race, Sexuality & The Politics of Protest
Class Number: 321-0-22 | Professor: Abram Lewis

Anthropology of Reproduction
Class Number: 332-0-20 | Professor: Caroline Bledsoe

*Transitions: Thai Medical Tourism and Sex
Class Number: 341-0-20 | Professor: Jillana Enteen
* can be taken as GSS 350

Buddhism and Gender
Class Number: 341-0-21 | Professor: Sarah Jacoby

*Deportation Law & Politics
Class Number: 351-0-20 | Professor: Jacqueline Stevens
* can be taken as GSS 350

Queering Medieval Romance
Class Number: 361-0-20 | Professor: Barbara Newman

Black Women Writers
Class Number: 361-0-21 | Professor: Tracy Vaughn

Girlhood in Public Culture
Class Number: 371-0-20 | Professor: Jan Radway

*Feminism and Trumplandia
Class Number: 371-0-21 | Professor: Kate Baldwin
* can be taken as GSS 350

Gender, Feminism, and Comedy
Class Number: 371-0-22 | Professor: Ryan Mack

John Cage
Class Number: 372-0-20 | Professor: Ryan Dohoney

Imagining the Internet
Class Number: 374-0-20 | Professor: Jillana Enteen

Feminist Theory: Passionate Politics
Class Number: 397-0-20 | Professor: Tessie Liu

Graduate Colloquium
Class Number: 401-0-20 | Professor: Nicholas Davis

Advanced Feminist Theory
Class Number: 405-0-20 | Professor: Mary Dietz

Theory and Emotion
Class Number: 490-0-20 | Professor: Jennifer Nash

Political Theories of Membership
Class Number: 490-0-21 | Professor: Jacqueline Stevens

Spring 2018:

First Year Seminar: Gender & Sexuality in Contemporary Cinema
Class Number: 101-6-20 | TuTh 11-12:20 PM | Professor: Nick Davis 

Feminism as Cultural Critique: The Second Wave
Class Number: 231-0-20 | MWF 11-11:50 AM | Professor: Helen Thompson

Sexuality and Society
Class Number: 232-0-20 | TuTh 3:30-4:50 PM | Professor: Hector Carrillo

*Mapping Sexuality in 19th Century Paris
Class Number: 321-0-20 | MW 12:30-1:50 PM | Professor: Tessie Liu
* can be taken as GSS 350

Transgender History
Class Number: 321-0-21 | TuTh 3:30-4:50 PM |Professor: Lauren Stokes

Work and Occupations: Focus on Gender
Class Number: 331-0-21 | TuTh 5:00-6:20 PM |Professor: Ann Orloff

Gender, Sexuality, and Health Activism
Class Number: 332-0-20 | MW 11:00-12:20 PM | Professor: Amy Partridge

Gender, Sexuality, and the Middle East
Class Number: 341-0-20 | TuTh 3:30-4:50 PM | Professor: Ayca Alemdaroglu

Caribbean Literary and Visual Cultures
Class Number: 341-0-21 | MW 2-3:20 PM | Professor: Kaneesha Parsard

Gender-Based Violence in Social Context
Class Number: 351-0-21 | TuTh 9:30-10:50 AM |Professor: Marie Laperriere

*Gender, Politics, and Social Movements: Comparative Perspectives
Class Number: 351-0-22 | TuTh 2:00-3:20 PM |Professor: Ann Orloff
* can be taken as GSS 350

Sex & Surveillance
Class Number: 353-0-20 | TuTh 9:30-10:50 AM | Professor: Mitali Thakor

Women on Page
Class Number: 361-0-20 | TuTh 2:00-3:20 PM | Professor: Kara Johnson

American Representations of Sex, Intimacy, and Romance
Class Number: 371-0-20 | MW 2:00-3:20 PM |Professor: Lital Pascar

Fashion Matters: East Asia
Class Number: 371-0-21 | MW 12:30-1:50 PM |Professor: Paola Zamperini

AIDS: Art and Activism of the Ongoing Crisis
Class Number: 372-0-20 | TuTh 12:30-1:50 PM |Professor: Ivan Bujan

Queer Theory
Class Number: 381-0-20 | TuTh 11:00AM-12:20 PM | Professor:Jillana Enteen

*Asian American Gender and Sexualities 
Class Number: 382-0-21 | TuTh 12:30-1:50 PM | Professor: Douglas Ishii
* can be taken as GSS 350

*Language and Sexuality
Class Number: 390-0-20 | TuTh 2:00-3:20 PM | Professor: Gregory Ward
* can be taken as GSS 350

Psychology of Gender
Class Number: 390-0-21 | MW 9:30-10:50 AM | Professor:Alice Eagly

Gender and the Law
Class Number: 390-0-22| TuTh 11:00-12:20 PM | Professor: Joanna Grisinger

Graduate Colloquium
Class Number: 401-0-20 | W 10:00 AM-12:00 PM | Professor: Nicholas Davis

Political Economy, Race, and Gender: Intellectual History and Contemporary Research
Class Number: 490-0-20 | Tu 2:00-4:50 PM | Professor: Micaela di Leonardo

Race, Gender, Dubois, & Sociological Theory
Class Number: 490-0-21 | Tu 9:30AM-12:20 PM | Professor: Aldon Morris

Fictions and Frictions of Power
Class Number: 490-0-22 | M 3:00-5:50 PM | Professor: Leo Bersani

Summer 2018:

Technology and Modern Romance
Class Number: 374 | MW 10:00-12:30 PM | Professor: Lital Pascar

The Uses of Pleasure
Class Number: 321 |MW 10:00-12:30 PM | Professor: Ivan Bujan