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Faculty Directory

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Linda AusternAffiliated Faculty, Professor, Musicologyl-austern@northwestern.edu70 Arts Circle, EV 1200A
Moya BaileyAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor in Communication Studiesmoya.bailey@northwestern.eduFrances Searle BuildingB
Marquis BeyDirector of Graduate Studies | Affiliated Faculty, Professor in Black Studies & Englishmarquis.bey@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 5-103B
Laura BrueckAffiliated Faculty, Chair, Asian Languages and Cultures Department; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Associate Professor of Indian Literaturelaura.brueck@northwestern.eduKresge Hall 4-427B
Héctor CarrilloProfessor of Sociology and Gender & Sexuality Studieshector@northwestern.edu1808 Chicago Ave. 101C
Aymar Jean ChristianAffiliated Faculty, Assistant Professor in Communication Frances Searle BuildingC
Nick DavisDirector | Associate Professor of English and Gender & Sexuality Studiesnicholas-davis@northwestern.eduUniversity Hall 307D
Penelope Lisa DeutscherAffiliated Faculty, Professor in Philosophy and Comparative Literaturep-deutscher@northwestern.eduKresge Hall 3-427D
Ryan DohoneyAffiliated Faculty, Assistant Professor of Musicology, Bienen School of Musicryan.dohoney@northwestern.edu70 Arts Circle DriveD
Dyan ElliottAffiliated Faculty, Peter B. Ritzma Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Historyd-elliottnorthwestern.eduHarris Hall 337E
Jillana EnteenProfessor of Instruction in Gender & Sexuality Studies; Asian American Studies and Asian Studies Program Facultyj-enteen@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 1-111E
Steven EpsteinAffiliated Faculty, Professor of Sociology and John C. Shaffer Professor in the Humanitiess-epstein@northwestern.edu1808 Chicago Ave. 206E
Kasey EvansAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor of Englishksevans@northwestern.eduUniversity Hall 303E
Rebecca EwertAffiliated Faculty, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Sociologyrewert@northwestern.edu1810 Chicago Ave 228E
Lane FenrichDistinguished Senior Lecturer in Gender & Sexuality Studies; Assistant Dean for Freshmenfenrich@northwestern.edu1922 Sheridan Rd.F
Alyssa GarciaAssistant Professor of Instruction in Gender & Sexuality Studies | Adviser, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciencesalyssadgarcia@northwestern.edu1908 Sheridan Rd. 104G
Sarah JacobyAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Asian Languages & Culturess-jacoby@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 4-149J
E Patrick JohnsonAffiliated Faculty, Chair, Department of African American Studies, Carlos Montezuma Professor of Performance Studies and African American Studiese-johnson10@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 5-101J
Eli KeanAssistant Professor of Instruction in Gender & Sexuality Studies | Adviser, Weinberg College of Arts & Scienceseli.kean@northwestern.edu1918 Sheridan Rd. 107K
Silyane LarcherAssociate Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies and Black Studiessilyane.larcher@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 5-137L
Tessie LiuAssociate Professor of History and Gender & Sexuality Studiest-liu@northwestern.eduHarris Hall 327L
Susan ManningAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor in English, Theatre, and Performance Studiess-manning@northwestern.eduUniversity Hall 406 M
John D. MárquezAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor of African American and Latino/a Studies j-marquez@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 5-135M
Jeffrey MastenProfessor of English and Gender & Sexuality Studiesj-masten@northwestern.eduUniversity Hall 308M
Kate MasurAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor in Historykmasur@northwestern.eduHarris Hall 202M
José MedinaAffiliated Faculty, Walter Dill Scott Professor of Philosophyjose.medina@northwestern.eduKresge Hall 3-439M
Michelle MolinaAffiliated Faculty, The John and Rosemary Croghan Chair, Associate Professor in Catholic Studiesmolina@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 4-142M
Ann Shola OrloffAffiliated Faculty, Professor of Sociology, Political Science; Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition Chaira-orloff@northwestern.edu1808 Chicago Ave. 201O
Anna ParkinsonAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor of Germana-parkinson@northwestern.eduKresge Hall 3-321P
Amy PartridgeAssociate Professor of Instruction in Gender & Sexuality Studiesa-partridge@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 1-107P
Martha Robinson RhodesSPAN Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022-24martha.robinsonrhodes@northwestern.eduR
Mónica Russel y RodriguezAffiliated Faculty, Senior Lecturer; Associate Dean, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciencesmryr@northwestern.edu1918 Sheridan Rd. 205R
Joan ShermanAffiliated Facultyjsherman2@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 1-113S
Elizabeth SonAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor in Theatreelizabeth.son@northwestern.edu70 Arts Circle Dr. 5th FloorS
Jacqueline StevensAffiliated Faculty, Professor in Political Sciencejacqueline-stevens@northwestern.eduLocy Hall 300S
Helen F ThompsonAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor in Englishhthompson@northwestern.edu1897 Sheridan Rd. 215, EV 2240T
Gregory WardAffiliated Faculty, Professor of Linguistics, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and Philosophygw@northwestern.edu2016 Sheridan Rd. 10W
Mary WeismantelAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor of 1812 Hinman Ave. 105W
S. B. WestDirector of Undergraduate Studies | Associate Professor of Instruction of Gender and Sexuality Studiessbwest@northwestern.eduCrowe Hall 1-103W
Annie WilkinsonSPAN Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022-24annie.k.wilkinson@northwestern.eduW
Ji-Yeon YuhAffiliated Faculty, Associate Professor of History and Asian American Studiesj-yuhnorthwestern.eduHarris Hall 306Y
Paola ZamperiniAssociate Director | Associate Professor of Chinese Literaturepaola.zamperini@northwestern.eduKresge Hall 4-431Z