Jillana Enteen
Professor of Instruction in Gender & Sexuality Studies; Asian American Studies and Asian Studies Program Faculty

- j-enteen@northwestern.edu
- Website
- Crowe Hall 1-111
Jillana B. Enteen is Professor of Instruction in Gender & Sexuality Studies and serves on the Asian American Studies and Asian Studies Program Faculty. She is co-founder and co-convener of NUDHL, Northwestern University’s Digital Humanities Lab, sponsored by the Kaplan Humanities Institute. A former Fulbright Fellow to Thailand, she specializes in Thai culture and literature in English as well as non-Thai depictions of Thailand. Enteen’s publications concern online depictions of race, gender, sexuality, and nation in English by overlooked internet populations and the use of English language terms for sexualities and genders in the urban cultures of Thailand. Currently, Dr. Enteen is researching Gender Reassignment Surgeries (GRS) available in Thailand for international consumption via internet communication with the support of a SPAN Faculty Grant. She is the author of Virtual English: Queer Internets and Digital Creolization (Routledge, 2009). Her forthcoming book, Import: Export: English Language terms for Genders and Sexualities in Thailand (Onyx, 2014) examines the ways in which English is adapted and adopted by local Bangkok subcultures for specifically Thai purposes and how this study is situated within transnational sexualities studies. Enteen teaches undergraduate courses on "Queer Theory," "Transnational Sexualities," “Transitions: Medical Tourism and Theorizing Transnational Studies of Sexuality,” “CyberQueer,” "Thai Medical Tourism and Sex," "The Politics of Public Space," and "Imagining the Internet: Gender, Sexuality, Race & Ethnicity Online."
- Virtual English: Queer Internets and Digital Creolization (Routledge, 2009).
- Import: Export: English Language terms for Genders and Sexualities in Thailand (Onyx, 2014).
Courses Taught
- "Queer Theory"
- "Transnational Sexualities"
- “Transitions: Medical Tourism and Theorizing Transnational Studies of Sexuality”
- “CyberQueer”
- "Thai Medical Tourism and Sex"
- "The Politics of Public Space"
- "Imagining the Internet: Gender, Sexuality, Race & Ethnicity Online"