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2024-25 Schedule (Undergraduate)

FALL 2024 | WINTER 2025 | SPRING 2025 | SUMMER 2025

Fall 2024 Course Schedule

Course Co-Listed Title Instructor Day/Time
GNDR_ST 101-7 - Love as a Lens for Social Justice: Why and How We Care Eli Kean TTh 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 220 - Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies Lane Fenrich TTh 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 231 ALC 290 Sinophone Feminisms Paola Zamperini MW 12:30-1:50pm
GNDR_ST 233 PHIL 221 Gender, Politics and Philosophy Pascal Brixel MW 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 235 BLK_ST 247 Black Life. Trans Life. Marquis Bey TTh 9:30-10:50am
GNDR_ST 260 - Critical Fat Studies S.B. West TTh 9:30-10:50am
GNDR_ST 321/350 - Pleasure in the Archives I Amy Partridge MW 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 331 SOC 356 Sociology of Gender Rebecca Ewert MW 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 340 LEGAL_ST 340 Gender, Sexuality and the Law Joanna Grissinger TTh 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 341 - Gender Expansivity in Latin America S.B. West TTh 12:30-1:50
GNDR_ST 361 ENGLISH 338 Queering the Crown: Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Their Afterlives Jeff Masten TTh 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 362 MUSICOL. 352/452 Desire, Drama and Sorcery in 17th-Century Music Linda Austern TTh 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 396 - Senior Capstone Seminar Amy Partridge MW 2-3:30
GNDR_ST 397 ENGLISH 380/BLK_ST 380 Black Feminist Theory Marquis Bey TTh 2-3:20


Men Dancing Susan Manning Wed 9:30-11:50am


Winter 2025 Course Schedule

Course Co-Listed Title Instructor Day/Time
GNDR_ST 101-8 - Millennial Gender Nick Davis TTh 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 230 - Traditions in Feminist Thought Silyane Larcher TTh 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 231 ALC 290 / ANTHRO  Fashion Matters Paola Zamperini MW 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 232-0-20 SOC 223 Masculinities & Society Rebecca Ewert MW 12:30-1:50
GNDR_ST 232-0-21 SOC 376 Sex, Gender, Sexuality Mark Griffith TBD
GNDR_ST 234 LING 223 Language and Gender Gregory Ward TTh 2-3:20
GNDR_ST 321 HISTORY 341 Paris as World City: Capitalism and Desire Tessie Liu TTh 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 321/350 - Making Sense of the "Second Wave" of Feminism in/for the Present Amy Partridge MW 2-3:20
GNDR_ST 331 SOC 309 Sociology of Gender Ann Orloff MW 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 332 - Health Activism Amy Partridge MW 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 361 - Abolitionist Feminisms at the Border  S.B. West MW 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 372 MUSICOL 351 Masulinities in 16th C. Opera Linda Austern TBD
GNDR_ST 380 BLK_ST Black Feminisms in a Francophone Context: From the Second World War to Global Anti-Blackness Silyane Larcher TTh 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 381 - Queer Theory Jillana Enteen MW 2-3:30
GNDR_ST 397 - Feminist Theory S.B. West MW 2-3:20


Spring 2025 Course Schedule

Course Co-Listed Title Instructor Day/Time
GNDR_ST 101-8-1 - Coalition Politics from Chicago and Beyond Amy Partridge MW 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 221 GBL_HLTH 221 Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure Noelle Sullivan MWF 10-10:50
GNDR_ST 321 HIST 390 Gender, Race and the Holocaust Sarah Cushman MW 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 324 HIST 240 US Gay and Lesbian History Lane Fenrich TTh 12:30-1:50
GNDR_ST 327 LING 327 Language and Sexuality Gregory Ward TTh 2-3:30
GNDR_ST 331 SOC 376 Stigmatized Sexualities Mark Griffith MW 12:30-1:50
GNDR_ST 332-0-20 SOC 320 Gender, Health and Medicine Rebecca Ewert MW 2-3:20
GNDR_ST 332-0-21 - Reproductive Health/Justice/Politics Amy Partridge MW 2-3:30
GNDR_ST 341 - Women's Uprising: Thinking with Transnational Feminisms Amanda Fu TTh 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 350-3-20 BLK_ST 380 Who is Afraid of Black Sexuality? Mark Lockwood TTh 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 361 - The Poetics and Erotics of Audre Lorde Bryana Jones TTh 3:30-4:50
GNDR_ST 374 - Imagining the Internet Jillana Enteen MW 11-12:20
GNDR_ST 382 - Gender, Race, and the Politics of Beauty Tessie Liu MW 12:30-1:50
GNDR_ST 390 - Queer Kinship: Making and Breaking "The Family" Ryan Nhu MW 9:30-10:50


SUMMER 2025 Course Schedule

Course Co-Listed Title Instructor Day/Time
GNDR_ST 321 -   LGBTQ Activism in the U.S. Eli Kean MW 10-12:30
GNDR_ST 372 - Gender, Sexuality and Performance Malu Machuca Rose TTh 10-12:30
GNDR_ST 390 - Race, Gender, Justice & Ethics: Reframing Research, Teaching, Learning Alyssa Garcia TTh 10-12:30